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– Model online lessons with National Geographic Learning

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand,” said the philosopher Confucius two and a half thousand years ago. Although life has changed immeasurably since then, his words remain true - The best way to learn is by doing. National Geographic Learning invites you to this series of webinars that places you, the teacher, into the role of a student. Find out how it feels to take part in complete online lessons for young learners, teens and adults. Pick up teaching techniques and activities by doing them. See for yourself how interactive and engaging the virtual classroom can be with fascinating, visually striking content from best-selling National Geographic Learning programs such as Life, World English, Our World and Look.


At National Geographic Learning, our mission is to bring the world to the classroom, and the classroom to life. We want students of English and their teachers to experience the excitement and joy of learning through our materials.


We invite you to join us in professional development webinars with English Language Teaching specialists, speakers from the TED stage, National Geographic Explorers, and others in the English Language Teaching field.

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